Senin, 17 Juli 2017

Red rose flowers are also live pharmacies

 Red roses have meaning or symbolize love, beauty, kaharmonisan, appreciate and courage. Red flowers are often associated or symbolized by true love or as a medium to express feelings of love. This type of red color is very popular when dibangdingkan with other colors. For one stem of a red rose is defined as love at first sight or still loving While the series of red roses is a true love ekprsi.
Red rose petals contain compounds that can increase metabolism and cleanse toxins from the body. This reaction can help you lose weight. In addition to eating a handful of red rose petals will give full effect and suppress your appetite.
How to lose weight with roses is
By boiling about 10-15 petals on a glass of boiling water, wait until the water becomes red. You can simply drink it or by adding a little honey or cinnamon as a spice. Drink this rose tea regularly in the morning and you will feel your fat folds are reduced
If your partner likes to buy a bouquet of roses, it may be time to start eating them. Red rose petals are very effective to help a person increase his sex drive by working on the important dosha system in our body. These benefits regulate the heart rate, the mind and the nervous system in the body.
Choose some rose petals, wash and chew and swallow. Consuming in this way not only makes your body more energized and revitalizes but also increases your sexual activity.
Relieve Stress and Depression
When your body feels tired and stress your eating will also lack of sleep and anxiety that resulted in you becoming more sensitive and decreased sex drive. According to a study conducted by the Department of Physiology and Pathology of inhaled red roses has been known to have sedative effects.
You can reduce stress by soaking in a bath with warm water. Enter red rose petals. Hot or warm water will remove the red rose fragrance that can make the body and mind more relaxed.
Treating Hemorrhoid Symptoms with
Red roses work naturally to treat hemorrhoids. Because red rose petals are rich in fiber and water and contain compounds that help cleanse the digestive system by removing toxins from the body. Moreover, red roses are effective in overcoming hemorrhoids that bleed and relieve pain.
How to treat hemorrhoids with roses is to add 50ml water to a handful of rose petals, mix the mixture to form a thick solution. Drink on an empty stomach for 3 days in a row.
Roses Also Known As Astringent Materials
Rose water is able to help overcome the irritation of sensitive skin, balancing oily skin, soften and refresh the skin. In addition to being the right choice for substances, rose water also serves as an inner toner cleaner.
If you wear them regularly then your skin will look younger naturally. Because red rose petals contain antioxidant and antibacterial substances, it will provide a calming effect and is perfect for treating itching or skin irritation. There is nothing wrong if you order a bouquet of flowers as your beauty supplies. Use rose water after cleansing your face. Regular use will nourish your skin and give a luminous effect.
If you are having acne problems and looking for a natural way to treat it you may have to try using red roses regularly for your facial treatments. In addition to being a good moisturizer, the antibacterial content in rose water will dry out your acne quickly.
  Given the phenyl ethanol or antiseptic substances in the rose water will fight the pimples on your face,
How to make a natural mask to treat acne, soak fenugreek seeds with a little water and add rose water and stir until the pasta is shaped. Apply on face for 20 minutes then rinse with rose water that has been cooled.
Many red roses have an amazing effect on your lips. Not only makes the lips reddish but also makes it soft because of the moisturizer and also the effects of enlightenment. Moreover, red roses can also be a natural lip exfoliator.
To treat lips with red roses is very easy, make a pasta with rose petals dengam mixed with a spoon of milk cream and a few drops of honey. Apply on the lips and let stand for 15-20 minutes then rinse.

                                                                                                    By; Mochtadin si beted

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