Sabtu, 02 September 2017

Mozart and Beethoven: Best Western Classical Composer

Mozart and Beethoven: Best Western Classical Composer

Needless to say that music not only takes on innumerable forms, life without music is boring and meaningless. Music is basically the best friend, no matter which genre we listen to. We can even write our own music if our passion for the art form goes strong inside our souls. In conversations about music we may have tended to turn to the legend of Western classical music. To Two legends Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig von Beethoven. In their day, they are so potent and so well known that they influence contemporary artists. If you're a composer whose genre of choice is not really classical, chances are we like some of what we usually hear.
Mozart and Beethoven contributed a lot. On what we know as "Western classical music," and are the first two names that appear in conversations about the topic. Let's examine every gift of composer into our minds, hearts and souls. The fun of Mozart's time and the way people put it into the "classic" genre as a whole, technically, the Classical era in overlapping music, Baroque (Bach era) and Romantic era Part time Beethoven).
if you listen to the first Bach song, which is heavy and sluggish with a lot of counterpoints, then move to Mozart, you will hear a subtle but vague transition to a lighter and clearer melody.- and Build harmony, which we More familiar with today.
It is said that the match was not completely dispelled, but the heavier and more serious, lighter and more melodic tones became fashionable, especially when Mozart put them on parchment. Indeed, it is clear that he used it, especially with his "Marriage of Figaro."
Of course, "Marriage of Figaro" only scratches the surface. He is famous for having collected many pieces, ranging from opera to concertos, sonatas, and symphonies. Akita can easily examine many of her works (some of which she allegedly stacked in her childhood). The amazing thing about Mozart is that each piece is truly unique while having a recognizable overall style according to the period in which it is most productive.

The Mozart effect on Western classical music is such that the field of psychology makes things a big deal because if someone listens to Mozart, it should increase one's IQ. Given Mozart's happy nature. And when the kids are happy, it tends to leak into the world of parents, and vice versa                                                                         by , mochtadin si beted

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